Double Chocolate energy bites
So, I have always wanted to try these “energy bites” I keep hearing so much about, but my kids always have grand plans for other baking projects. There are many different ways to make these and tons of flavor combos you can come up with, and I’ll share some ideas below the actual recipe.
One thing I really like about this particular recipe is that it’s easy. NO baking, minimal equipment, and takes less time than most energy bite recipes I’ve seen. You won't need a food processor and start to finish takes under an hour.

These are great for on-the-go snacks and a way to sneak in some healthy ingredients into your kiddos.
You’ll need: * **
1 and ½ cup of oats (rolled, preferably not steel-cut as the texture might be off)
2 tbsp cocoa powder
⅓ cup nut butter (we used crunchy unsalted peanut
⅓ cup maple syrup (or honey)
1 tbsp each ground flaxseed, 1 tbsp hemp hearts
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla
¼ tsp sea salt
½ cup mini chocolate chips
How to Make:
1) Combine all of the ingredients in a large bowl and mix until well combined.
2) Cover and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. 3) Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or baking mat
4) Scoop (I used an ice cream scoop - you’ll want each around 1 -2 tbsp full) into balls on to your baking sheet. Give each bite a squeeze to make the oat mixture compact and roll against your palm into a ball. (The kids LOVE this step, and this is why we scooped all of the mix out before rolling to keep things cleaner.)
5) Eat immediately or store in the fridge. Makes about 16-20 bites depending on size.
I will test to see how they do in the freezer. I would definitely make these during the end of a pregnancy and sneak some brewer’s yeast*** in for an easy breastfeeding snack!
(These would be absolutely delicious with coconut flakes - which I didn’t have. Replace the ½ cup of oats with the coconut if you’re into it and let me know how it goes!)
* You can add-in lots of yummy stuff depending on your current mood and palate. I'd love to try these with white chocolate-chips, cranberries, crushed pecans, different spices, flakes of sea salt on top, and you can substitute any nut butter you like.
** If you’re finding that your recipe comes out too wet- grind up some extra oats or flakes in a coffee grinder or food processor and combine with the mix. If your nut butter is extra runny or it’s humid out, this can help.
*** Oats and brewer's yeast have been linked with increased milk supply, which is why you'll see advertisements for "Lactation cookies" and other goods that contain these ingredients. These products are not clinically proven to increase your supply.
If you are struggling with supply issues or breastfeeding in general, there is no substitute for an IBCLC visit! Check with your hospital, OB/ Midwife, and local Leche League or Mom groups for recommendations near you. These can be free groups, home visits, and many IBCLCs take insurance. Many lactation issues are caused by tongue ties, facial abnormalities, latching issues, or medical conditions and cannot be solved with a cookie. For example, one of my clients had a portion of her placenta that was not properly removed after delivering her daughter, and struggled to breastfeed until this was removed. This is obviously an extremely rare case, but I'm so glad she sought professional advice and solved the issue!!)
There is nothing wrong with brewer's yeast (despite it's bitter taste), and it is full of Iron, B-vitamins, and other minerals that are essential for postpartum recovery and energy levels. So no harm in it if you can stand the taste! You might want to add extra sweetener to balance the flavors if you decide to add it in to these energy bites.
Did you try these? Please let me know in the comments below!
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