Dec 18, 20184 min read
How to Make the Most out of Your Workouts
As a momma of 2 (currently 2 under 2) I know the value of a super intense workout. There's nothing like taking the time out of your day...

Nov 6, 20183 min read
3 Ways that I'm "Easing Back In" with 2Under2
A little perspective: This is me at 8 weeks postpartum vs 38.5 weeks pregnant When I got cleared at 6 weeks from my OB/GYN with my first...

Oct 25, 20182 min read
10 Things you can do in the Early Postpartum Days
(Me- Postpartum Day 1 after delivering baby #2. Yes, even fitness people still look pregnant when we're discharged from the hospital!)...

Aug 26, 20182 min read
How to sit up like a Pregnant Lady
Concerned about Diastasis Recti in Pregnancy? Me too, and same goes for almost all of my clients! One of the simplest ways we can...

Jul 26, 20181 min read
The 15 Minute Postpartum Stretch & Strengthen Program
We all know the first few months with a newborn are tough. Especially when it comes to finding balance between recovering from delivering...

Jul 5, 20182 min read
Easy Peasy Pepper and Onion Frittata Muffins
Did I tell you that my kid eats like he's 400lbs? Breakfast is no exception. I know things will change when #2 comes along, but I'm...

Oct 27, 20173 min read
Let's Talk About the Split- Diastasis Recti FAQs you need to know
Recently I've been getting a lot of questions on what Diastasis Recti is and how to cure it. Diastasis Recti is the splitting of the...

Jul 21, 20172 min read
Training the Postpartum Core: Heel Slides
I recently started teaching a couple postpartum fitness classes here in Denver. It's wonderful, I get to teach something I'm extremely...

Mar 27, 20172 min read
Let's not #normalizeleakage
I came across an ad recently that made me nearly lose my shit. It was for adult underwear. The tagline is : "When you choose Poise,...

Feb 23, 20171 min read
Baby's first workout
We are back in business! To be perfectly honest I thought I would be more excited to get back into the swing of things. Sure, I'm...