The first few months after delivery are some of the
most precious, memorable, and exhausting moments
of your life. Give yourself a break.
Many of us are instructed to "slowly ease back in"
during that 6-8 week "clearance" appointment, but
what does that even mean?
This doesn't mean going out and running 2 miles versus your pre-pregnancy 13. Returning to exercise after baby is going to look, very, very different. You have additional needs now, and I'm here to help.
My philosophy when it comes to Postpartum after working with new parents for over a decade is that we have it backwards. You need rest, you need recovery, and you need support after having a child. If you're ready to get started and want a custom plan, contact me directly to set up a brief call and learn more about how I work with moms all over the world. For easy-to-follow guidelines, how to exercise while breastfeeding/pumping, how to avoid Diastasis Recti and Pelvic Organ Prolapse, and a year of workouts you can do with your newbie, grab a copy of my Book Here.
Click on any of the images below for complimentary guides and workouts suitable for Postpartum recovery and the fourth trimester.​
If you're struggling to find the time to workout (like most of us!) click here for my guide on how to Actually Workout with a Newborn. I'll help you identify your major blocks and how to prevent them, and you can fill out a sample weekly workout tracker to make exercise fit around your lifestyle. Most of my clients have limited time, even as their kids get older, so I highly recommend you print this out and make changes as life evolves.
Click here for The Complete Guide to Postpartum Fitness!
Click on the Images Below for More Information on Recovery, Workouts, Making it All Work, and More!
You Just Had a Baby....
Now What?