Why your New Year's resolutions always fail
Look, I get it.
The second that ball drops and I've had enough champagne to kill a small animal all I want to do is dream up the best year ever. I'm generally with my favorite people and in good spirits, so why not expand this positive and grateful vibe out to the year ahead? New year, new you? Best year ever? Sound familiar?
Here is why New Year Resolutions fail:
1- They aren't specific.
Your goals have to be as specific as possible. "Eating healthier" is a popular example. What does "eating healthier" mean to you? Eating a 200 calorie protein-based breakfast? Quitting processed foods? Meal prepping every Monday? Make it as particular as possible and you're on your way to actually achieving something.
2- They're unrealistic.
"I'm going to lose 50lbs" sounds awesome. It sounds great to say, but it's very hard to do if you're unwilling to lose the first 5lbs.
3- They don't have a back-up plan.
If you can't create a game plan with a plan B, you don't have a realistic goal. Because change is hard, and you're going to screw up at some point. I can't tell you how many times I've forgotten my socks, left my healthy lunch at home, been too tired or not in the mood to write out tomorrow's to-do list, or overslept. I'm not a bad person or a failure, but I've had to improvise. 80/20 is where it's at, so when you're making a true & doable goal, give yourself a "just-in-case" scenario.
4- They aren't attached to a date.
When we goal set for a project or event, there's a specific date in mind. And that date is going to occur whether you're ready or not for it. So "getting organized" is pretty easy to forget about unless you're "getting my hall closet organized into pretty containers by February 1st".
5- They aren't deep enough.
Without a solid "why" to the reason you have decided to make a change, it's not going to happen. Look- change is hard. It takes a long time to make a lifestyle change. It happens over time, and without a solid and meaningful reason to why you're making these new investments in your time, money, and comfort level, it's very easy to quit.
I think February is the saddest month for the group fitness instructor.
In January, your classes are packed to the brim. The energy in the room is incredible.
You take the time to really get to know your newbies and give them extra attention so the aren't intimidated by your regulars.
You work with them after class (for free) to help them understand the training principals that apply to them, you fix their form, you help them with nutrition and soreness prevention.
They start to get results. They get more confident in classes and vow to stay consistent.
Then it's February, and they are nowhere to be found.
I'm not going to lie... it's hard not to take it personally, but it happens SO ridiculously often that we have to brush it off to lack of motivation.
a- I have faith in you that knowing that your personal health and fitness is a non-negotiable when it comes to having a healthy family
b- I trust that you have probably already committed to a regular exercise routine
c- You probably already know that the "New Year's Resolution" (also known as "the diet starts tomorrow" mentality is 100.2% bullshit.
If you have set a resolution- please avoid these 5 mistakes. Be specific, set a date, be realistic, set a back-up plan, and dig deep to why you're even doing it.
I have full confidence that you can have the BEST year ever in 2016.
If you have a resolution, I want to hear it! Leave me your goals in the comments section and I will gladly help you get there. Or email me directly (I've already listed "resolution help" in the subject line) with any questions. I will answer specific questions on the blog and you can also reach me on social media (I'm @themomtrainer) for recipes, workouts, and motivation.
Here's to an amazing 2016, Momma.
xo Sarah Ann