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This is Why We Kegel

Ah yes. Not included in "the talk" about your body... Leakage is real.

Oh yes... This new fun trend that started during your pregnancy is now a daily theme can severely dampen (pun!) your workout and, well, most daily activity. Again, I've been working with pregnant and post-natal clients since I was in my early 20s. It was eye-opening. Trust me, skipping your kegels is a bad idea. Not necessarily now, but years from now.

Here are some fun facts and tips to prevent you from changing panties all day:


Kegeling will help prevent this if you get really, really good at it before labor.

After labor everything is going to take about 4-6 weeks depending on your birth plan.

Be patient.

Use a maxi pad or other method if it makes you feel more comfortable.

Talk to your doctor if it's a serious problem.


Once you're cleared for exercise, incorporate kegels into your regular exercise routine JUST as you did while you were pregnant.

Learn what triggers the "gotta go" feeling and avoid or modify the exercise as necessary.

Be Patient


At a Stoplight

After sexytime

On the way to the bathroom

After using the bathroom

While drafing an email.


What are your favorite Kegel reminders? Share in the comments section below!

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