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How to sit up like a Pregnant Lady

Concerned about Diastasis Recti in Pregnancy? Me too, and same goes for almost all of my clients!

One of the simplest ways we can prevent the "split" is in the way we sit up. Unfortunately, even your midwife will likely offer to "help you up off the table" with a hand and a gentle tug.... definitely something to avoid!

Moves like crunching or "jack-knifing" the abs, (especially with breath holding), can increase the intra-abdominal pressure in the core and cause the additional strain on the linea alba- contributing to Diastasis Recti. This is extremely important to keep in mind, considering a significant diastasis can cause low back pain, pelvic pain, pelvic issues (such as incontinence, pain during sex, and pelvic organ prolapse), postural issues like knee or shoulder pain, and create that "post-baby pooch" that so many of us want to avoid.

I know how hard it is to even move in the later weeks of pregnancy, but I promise you making these simple adjustments will make your life so much easier postpartum!

Check out this quick tutorial:

Things to note:

1.) I get cozy and exhale as I roll over to my side

2.) I inhale as I prepare to move, then exhale BEFORE I start to push myself up off the ground.

3.) I use my upper body and legs, not my abs, to lift myself up off the ground.

The breathing is just as important as the roll itself. When we exhale and "turn on" the anticipatory system, we safely prepare the body for movement and protect the core.

When else will this strategy come in handy? POSTPARTUM.

Regardless of whether you birth your baby via Cesarian or Vaginal delivery, you will likely still need to let your core rest for a few months. Resuming movement patterns like "crunching" off the floor when your abs and core are still healing can definitely cause a Diastasis, even when you didn't notice one during or shortly after pregnancy. Honestly, I think it took me about 5 months before I felt totally ready to "crunch myself" up off the floor... and frankly, I see no need for it. There are safer ways to move, this is one of them.

If you have questions about this, diastasis recti, or pregnancy/ postpartum fitness, please contact me directly.

Hope this helps!

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